I Am Creating…. Something

Has it been forever again? I believe it has! When last we met, I was in the middle of packing. I have since moved, finished unpacking, and have started to settle into my new home. And hey, check it out, I have actual sewing/crafting space again!



I can make a giant mess in the throws of creativity and come back to it as it was and not have to spend an hour just trying to figure out what I was in the middle of doing! 😀 It’s wonderful!And check out the storage space!



And now that I am settled in, I am reminded that there is a Hatch 2015 deadline coming up.. soon. So, I am creating.. something. I don’t really know what yet. This is one art baby that I won’t know what it is destined to be until it decides to show me. So far, I’m working with last year’s wall-calendar, double-sided fusible web, and an old lace curtain I picked up a few years back.