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I Need…


Get off work. Come home. Return my mother’s phone call. Call my grandmother. Go grocery shopping. Change light bulbs. Break down recycling and bag up trash. Write a blog for today.

I need to run out to the library and pick up the DVD I have on hold that I don’t have time to watch. I need to take a shower. I need to take out the trash and fold the laundry. I need to finish tweaking this personal statement and send it my application. I need to SLEEP so I can be well rested to go back to work tonight. I need to get around to making this doll furniture and these doll clothes. I need to edit this video of Ava’s birthday. I need to create a data chart on my diet. I need to still wake up early enough this evening to spend time with the boyfriend that I’ve barely spent time with since last week.

I need a TARDIS. I need Wheezy Waiter to make me some clones. I need more hours in the day and the ability to operate on 2 hours of sleep like a teenager.

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